Sunday, 14 August 2011

Bangalore University LLB 3 and 5 Yrs Sem 2 and 6 Result May-June 2011 |

Hi all Bangalorian, Good new for you all studing in BU, Bangalore University has published LLB III Year II Semester and LLB V Year VI Semester Results 2011. Bangalore University LLB 3rd Year 2nd Semester and LLB 5th Year 6th Semester Exam Results announced 13th August, 2011. The examination held in May / June 2011. To know more information about the results, visit the University's official website :

Bangalore University LLB III Year II Sem and LLB V Year VI Sem Results 2011 available on the following websites :

Bangalore University is a public university located in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. The university is one of the oldest in India, dating back to 1886. The university is a part of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and nears the status of "Potential for Excellence" which is reserved for the top 10 universities in India under the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

To get Bangalore University LLB 3 and 5 Yrs (Sem 2 and 6) Result May-June 2011 please refer below link
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