Wednesday, 21 September 2011

ibps - ibps recruitment 2011 - IBPS Recruitment 2011 for PO and Clerk

Tags: ibps 2011, ibps jobs 2011, ibps openings 2011, ibps recruitment september 2011, ibps PO openings, ibps Clerk openings, ibps PO jobs 2011, ibps Clerk jobs 2011, Corporation Bank Recruitment 2011 | Allahabad Bank Recruitment 2011 | Andhra Bank Recruitment 2011 | Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment 2011 | PNB Recruitment 2011 | Other Banks Recruitment 2011 | RBI Recruitment 2011 | UCO Bank Recruitment 2011 | Bank of India Recruitment 2011 | State Bank of India Recruitment 2011

Common Written Exam, as the name suggests is a large scale recruitment programme which would include one common examination for all the aspiring bank probationary officers. The exam will be conducted in 2011.It is a experiment, being conducted for the first time by Institute of Banking Personnel (IBPS). IBPS has a commendable history and is a renowned recruiter for Indian banks. Its recent Endeavour, the CWE will help the candidates to gain entry directly into 19 public sector banks of India.
This concept of recruiting on such a large basis is unique and novel, especially in the banking sector. The rapid growth in the banking sector, in the recent years has made it the most sought after career choice by the youth. It is the only career field which allows entry of students from all academic backgrounds, without any bias. It is also the only career option which provides 100 percent job security as compared to others. Such factors have increased the demand of banks offered by the banking sector.
In such a scenario, IBPS has made tremendous success in recruiting capable individuals for various posts. However, it had been focusing on the growing importance of the post of bank po amongst teh youth today. It was also aware of the limited number of seats available for appearing in the exams, due to which many deserving candidates lost the opportunity to exhibit their intelligence. After working on the project for many years, scrutinizing the pros and cons of its new endeavor. It has finally got permission from the authorities to conduct such a large scalerecruitment and the exam would be conducted in 2011. The effective and strong team of IBPS employees would ensure that the exam is conducted smoothly and equal opportunity is given to all the candidates. It also has a team of well trained faculty members who would ensure that theexam paper standard is set high, according to the demand of bank po. The questions would range from easy to very difficult and include everything from logics to current affairs around us. The same faculty of professionals would evaluate the exam papers, the marking would be strict and wrong answers would fetch you negative marks.
Thus, the CWE in 2011 would stand as another achievement by IBPS. IBPS has always aimed to make human resource management a much easier and quicker procedure, and with every passing year, it is moving closer towards the goal.

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