Friday, 9 September 2011

Orissa Flood Situation Grim In Jajpur - Flood situation worsens in Orissa

Flood situation in Orissa worsened on Friday with the opening of 59 gates of Hirakud dam to discharge excess rain water, even as the state government geared up to meet the threat. After eight days of relentless pounding from the sky due to incessant rains triggered by the low pressure in the Bay of Bengal,the large areas of Kendrapada and Jajpur districts are now waterlogged and the major rivers and their tributaries are swelling. About 3,000 people were evacuated from the low-lying areas of Orissa after a huge discharge of water from the Hirakud Dam triggered fears of floods in 11 of the state's 30 districts, an official said Friday.According to reports, at least 1,600 people were moved from low-lying areas to safer places in Boudh district, an official of the state flood control room here told IANS. About 500 people in Jharsuguda and 300 people in Subarnapur were evacuated from the low-lying areas of these districts. Some were evacuated Thursday night, others early Friday, he said.
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